organizing for an empty nest

Organizing For An Empty Nest

Ah, the empty nest—a phase of life typically fraught with mixed emotions! While many people experience feelings of satisfaction with seeing the kids through to young adulthood, most empty nesters go through feelings of loss and change as they adjust to their new household and schedule. If you are an empty nester, you’re probably seeing the upside: newfound freedoms and joys of having the house to yourself! Organizing For An Empty Nest We meet plenty

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Photo Organizing For Seniors

Photo Organizing for Seniors

Just about everyone who is downsizing needs to address their collections of digital and printed photographs. While most people share many of the same struggles (thousands of untitled photos, anyone? ) the over-55 crowd has their own set of challenges and preferences that they bring to the project. In a perfect world, we would all be able to effortlessly find and share our favorite photos without frustration. And everyone can, with a little help! As

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whats it worth milk glass

What’s It Worth: Milk Glass

What’s It Worth: Milk Glass Milk glass is a type of opaque or translucent glassware that was popular in the 19th and early 20th centuries, particularly in the United States and Europe. The term “milk glass” originated from its milky appearance, which is achieved by adding opacifiers such as bone ash or tin oxide to the glass during production. This gives the glass its characteristic white or off-white color and opaque quality. While milk glass

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lowest cost way to empty a home

Lowest Cost Way to Empty a Home

Clearing out a house that’s full of unneeded stuff can be a massive undertaking no matter how much time and money you have to spend on it. Some people spend years lovingly sorting through every nook and cranny of their home, enjoying the process of revisiting both their belongings and their memories.  But in some situations, circumstances leave few options, and families may require the most speedy and low-cost options available. I often hear from

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how refreshing is a well organized digital space

How Refreshing is a Well Organized Digital Space?

Much like our physical spaces, our digital environment can become cluttered and chaotic over time. Just as you’d go through your closet and declutter, your computer files, photos, emails, and documents also need a bit of tidying up. Can you recall the last time you properly organized your digital files? How Refreshing is a Well Organized Digital Space? Most tech-savvy individuals have experienced the frustration of trying to locate a specific file amongst a sea

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difference between decluttering and downsizing

Difference Between Decluttering and Downsizing

When you’re downsizing you’ll undoubtedly hear that you need to “declutter”. I think what people mean is the obvious fact that you’ll end up separating out clutter from your good stuff in the process of downsizing. I agree! Downsizing is definitely a time when you’ll need to make decisions about what to keep and what to throw away. But, at the risk of putting too fine a point on it, I want to clarify the

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