What’s It Worth?

whats it worth cabbage patch kids

What’s It Worth: Cabbage Patch Kids

Cabbage Patch Kids Dolls, with their distinctive round faces, pudgy cheeks, soft dimpled limbs and yarn-like hair, have captured the hearts of children and collectors alike since their introduction in the 1980s. The creator of these iconic dolls, Xavier Roberts, imagined them being born in a cabbage patch and then adopted by loving families. The adoption idea deeply resonated with a wide range of people, and was reinforced by the ingenious tactic of issuing personalized

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sell royal crown derby imari china

What’s it Worth? Royal Crown Derby Imari China

Royal Crown Derby Imari Porcelain China Generally speaking, the value of china is not what most downsizers would want it to be.  It’s always difficult to let people know that the treasured place settings of so many family meals have very little resale value.  Like many similar collections, there is currently a glut in the market and not many people want to buy fine china today. However, the gorgeous black and gold pattern we noticed at a client’s

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