There’s no “one way” to downsize, the same way there’s no “one way” to get married, plan a big trip, or tackle any other complex project. But in our experience, following this general order helps our clients stay on track, minimize drama and complete an efficient move. Regardless of the order of the steps, most people find that there is more to consider than they may have thought initially, and many of them realize they need more help than they thought they would.
Read this general plan for inspiration, and refer to our list of trusted specialists if you find that you could use a hand.
Prepare and Plan
Preserve Your
Personal History
Designate items to give to friends and family members.
Select Furnishings and Accessories
Select Belongings
3-4 Months Before You Move:
Your choice of Realtor matters! Allow us to recommend qualified real estate Pros who understand the downsizing process. Learn More.
Finalize Decisions
Pack, Move, Unpack
After the Move: